AzUAC and RIAU University of Indonesia Consider Collaboration on Climate Change Projects
Two professors from RIAU University of Indonesia, Ari Sandhyavitri and Fajar Restuhadi, visited the Azerbaijan University Architecture and Construction (AzUAC).
The professors first met with colleagues from the Department of Ecology at AzUAC's Faculty of Water Engineering and Engineering Communication Systems. During the meeting, there was an exchange of ideas regarding collaboration between AzUAC and RIAU.
They expressed interest in establishing mutually beneficial relationships and working on joint projects related to climate change.
Subsequently, Professor Ari Sandhyavitri from RIAU University's Faculty of Engineering delivered a lecture on "Zero Waste Production Processes and Recycling of Wastes" to students specializing in environmental engineering.
He discussed his own research projects in this field, particularly highlighting a project aimed at reducing carbon emissions during forest and peatland fires using weather modification technology.
At the end of the lecture, students had the opportunity to ask questions, which were answered by the professor.