Student of Architecture Faculty of AzUAC Becomes Member of Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Student of Architecture Faculty of AzUAC becomes Member of Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)


Murad Mirzade, a student of the Architecture Faculty of the Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction (AzUAC), has been selected as a student member of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA). The institution has sent a notification to AzUACstudent regarding this.


Becoming a free member of RIBA, a globally recognized influential and professional institution, is a great opportunity for our student. By being a member, Murad can participate in the RIBA President’s Medal design competition, the Polyark international design competition with participation from over 30 schools, and the RIBA Norman Foster Traveling Scholarship competition. In addition to receiving a minimum of 50% discount on the RIBA CPD program and professional events conducted online in 2020, our student also gains discounts for subscribing to the information bulletin and RIBA Journal (RIBAJ). Furthermore, he will have access to international student bulletins covering practical advice and information on regional events, and he will be able to enter competitions and advertise projects online, in exhibitions, and in RIBA publications as needed.


It is worth noting that AzUAC’s Architecture Faculty received accreditation from RIBA for a period of 5 years at the end of last year.

