Scientific research laboratory "Physics of metals and alloys"
Scientific research laboratory "Physics of metals and alloys"
Establishment of the laboratory: Scientific research laboratory of physics of metals and alloys at the Department of Physics was established by the order of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan No. 231 on 08.04.1991 under the leadership of TM Panahov.
Field of study: Physics of magnetic phenomena and physical metallurgy.
Problem: The structure of the regulated Fe-Co alloy and the transition to its physical properties and the effect of rare earth elements.
Brief information: The study of the structure and physical properties of multicomponent magnesium soft alloys has begun. In connection with these studies, the department received an electronic paramagnetic resonance spectrometer, an atomic force microscope to conduct more in-depth scientific research in thin layers.
What we have done: 5 international conferences have been held. Author's certificates for 4 inventions and 4 patents were obtained. He was awarded more than 7 certificates.
Published articles:
1.G.I. Huseynov. The effect of Maggie-Rigi-Ledyuka on overhead grilles when scattered on acoustic phonons. Baku: Izvestia NANA, series phys.-mat. and technical sciences, physics and astronomy, 2020, vol.40, №2, 60-65.
2.Huseynov, H.I. The electrical conductivity of nondegenerated electron gas in a quantum well asymmetric form // - Baku: Journal of Baku Engineering University, Physics, - 2020, vol.4, Num.1, p.3-7.
3. Figarova S.R., Huseynov G.I., Mahmudov M.M. The effect of Madji-Rigi-Ledyuka in quasi-two-dimensional electronic gas during scattering on the short-acting potential of the Bulletin of the University of Baku, series of physical and mathematical sciences, Baku, 2020, №2, p.89-95.
4. Figarova S.R., Huseynov G.I., Mahmudov M.M. Galvanomagnetic effects on superconductors in the longitudinal magnetic field when scattered on strongly shielded ions. Bulletin of Baku University, series of physical and mathematical sciences, Baku, 2020, №3, p.52-63.
5.Figarova S.R. Huseynov H.I., Figarov V.R. Thermoelectric power hysteresis in semi-parabolicquantum well /S.R.Figarova // Thin Solid Films, -2021,721, -p.138554 (1-4) .Impact factor: 2.02
6. J.P.Mammadova, A.P.Abdullayev, R.M.Rzayev, R.F.Kelbaliev, S.H.Mammadova, I.V.Musazade. The study of temperature regimes of a pipe wall under turbulent regime and supercritical pressures. International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2020 2050182 (10 pages)
7.V.M. Salmanov, A.G. Huseynov ,S.S. Ragimov, A.A. Salmanova, R.M. Mamedov, F.Sh.Akhmedova. Influence of laser emission on optical absorption and GaSe refractive index. Conference Proceedings, SDU, 2020, №7, pp.148-153.
8.F.Sh.Akhmedova. Photoconductivity in the area of solid spectra in thin films of selenium gallium. News of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences series of physical-technical and mathematical sciences, physics and astronomy, 2021 № 2 p. 54-57
9. F.Sh.Ahmadova. Experimental study of nonlinear thermal phenomena in InSe crystals under the influence of laser beams. IV International Scientific Conference of Young Researchers.2021
10.А.G. Huseynov, V.M. Salmanov, S.S.Ragimov, R.M. Mamedov, F.Sh.Akhmedova. Obtaining superconducting films of selenium of India and gallium on the surface of the liquid phase. XII International Scientific and Technical Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology in Electronics Nalchik, Russia May 31 июн June 5, 2021
Our structure:
The scientific head of the laboratory on a voluntary basis: Prof., Ph.D. P.M. Panahov
Head of the laboratory 0.5 staff: dos .. f.-r.e.n.H.I.Huseynov
Senior researcher 0.5 staff: docent, t.e.n.I.V.Musazade
Senior Research Fellow 0.5 Staff: f.-r.e.n. N.T.Panahov
Full-time laboratory assistant: F.Sh. Ahmadova
Publications in 2020-2021, monographs, textbooks, manuals, patents:
Information about employees:
Panahov Tahir Musa oglu has been the head of ETL since 1991, and in 2019 he has been the scientific head of ETL. He is the author of international articles in the field of metal and alloy physics. Prof. TM Panahov, who has presented papers at more than 60 international and national scientific conferences, is the author of more than 20 patents and inventions, more than 400 scientific articles, 25 monographs, textbooks, manuals and teaching aids. He proposed 18 research papers related to the production, as well as applied and received a patent for the production of a better quality argonomic gas from argon gas mixed gases.
Huseynov Husenaga Ibrahim oglu has been an employee of ETL since 2015, and has been the head of ETL since October 29, 2019. He was a teacher at AzAU in 1983. He is the author of 90 scientific-methodical works, 11 of them were published in impact factor journals, 2 received patents for inventions.
Musazadeh Imamhasan Veli oglu has been working as a senior researcher at ETL since 2010 and is the author of about 40 scientific and methodological works.
Panahov Natig Tahir oglu
Fidan Shirvan gizi Ahmadova has been an employee of ETL since 2016, a dissertation student of the Department of Semiconductor Physics, BSU. He is the author of 28 scientific articles, 8 of which have been published in journals included in the Web of Scientist database.
ETL's relations: Cooperation with Baku Steel Company LLC and Baku Oxygen Company, which have economic relations with it.
Department of Physics and its Laboratory of Metal and Alloy Physics.
Contact details of the laboratory: [email protected] internal phone: 6-65