Equality Policy
Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction is committed to eliminating inequality and illegal discrimination among its staff.
The objectives of the policy are as follows:
ensuring equality, fairness and respect for staff, regardless of whether they work part-time or full-time;
Elimination of illegal discrimination, regardless of age, disability, sex, pregnancy, race (color, nationality, ethnic group), religion.
The organization undertakes to:
Creating a non-discriminatory work environment, treating everyone with respect and dignity, recognizing and appreciating individual differences and the rights of all employees.
All employees, along with the employer, are liable for damages caused by unethical behavior against them, students and the public.
The university staff is also responsible for creating equal opportunities and preventing discrimination within the institution.
The University takes seriously allegations of harm and unfair discrimination by partners, students, the public and others in the course of its activities.
Such actions will be dealt with legally and appropriate action will be taken in accordance with the organization's grievance or disciplinary rules. Particularly serious complaints can lead to dismissal of those who cause harm without warning. The University ceates opportunities for the knowledge, development, progress, use of abilities and resources of the university staff. It reviews work practices and procedures to ensure fairness, and update policies to address changes in legislation.